Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Creative Space ...

What have I been up to in the past couple of weeks? Many things, including many a trip to the op shops around town, many nights with trashy tv and tim tams and a few goes in dads workshop. And all for what I hear you ask? (or hope I'm hearing you ask..) For my return to suitcase rummage! I havn't shown my little face for quite some time and feel that since the hockey season is over (games just happened to conveniently always be on sunday) it is high time I got back into the swing of things. I'll have old stock aswell as new surprises and some others that i'm trial testing for the rummage before I make more of them. Here's a sneak peek from my 'workstation' (really an old school desk that is more often trashed and messy than organised, i like to think of it as creatively in order..haha!).

So the next rummage is Sunday October 3rd, 12 - 5pm in King George Square. If you're in the Brisbane area please stop by and say hi, have a rummage and hopefully you'll find some lovely treasures to treat yourself to.

Morgan x

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