The best kind of window shopping is the online version, particularly when it's as rank outside as it is today here in Brisbane town!
So as I chug through writing up my study notes {stupid exams next week...i hate exams!!!}, I'm treating myself to a wee bit of online window shopping every now and again.
Here's what I've come up with so far...
this is Peony from sleepy king on etsy, i'm looking for a friends baby shower and this seems pretty cute for a new baby girl right?
on etsy have these awesome necklaces made from upcycled jersey fabric. I already have earrings in black but I seriously am considering adding this one to my collection!
Must have. that is all.
Don't go and find it at Brianarose on etsy, because I want it.
just a little skull action for my inner emo from Michelle Chang Jewelry
Check out Stay Gold Mary Rose on etsy for these fantastic vintage teacup bracelets! Now i'm not big into the bracelet thing but these are too awesome!