Hi everyone out there in the blog universe,
In case you hadn't heard on the grape vine, I will be participating in an event called
The Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer in a team called the
Sprocket Rockets (mum picked the name!) with my mum, dad and youngest sister. The money we raise will be benefiting the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, worldwide leader in cancer research and discovery. Through this event, I can help prevent other families from having to struggle with this disease.
The Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer is a 2-day bike ride, over 200 km, throughout Queensland scenic countryside from August 20-21. Crazy, uh?! Me, riding 100 km two days in a row, with thousands of other people. As you can image, riding that far is not going to be a simple feat for me. I'll have to train and get in shape. But I'm excited that I can finally do something this big in the fight against cancer.
I hope you all can understand why this is so important to me.. My goal is to raise $2500 and I really hope some of you at there might be able to help me get there or hey, even beat it. It's hard asking my family and friends for money believe me! But this cause and this event are very important to me. I hope that you can donate $50, or as much as you are able. I figure if everyone on my list donates $50, I'll meet my goal. All the proceeds benefit the Queensland Institute of Medical Research and will move us forwards in the race to hopefully conquer cancer.

Today being April 6th is actually what we call Epic Impact Day. It’s one day with one simple goal: to have everyone make an epic impact in the conquest of cancer. Whether it’s $10 or $10,000, the money you raise will be put to immediate use by the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, a worldwide leader in cancer research and discovery.
Epic Impact Day is THE day to show your support for the cause. Encourage your friends and family to do their part in the battle to end cancer and give from the heart on Epic Impact Day, April 6.
If you feel like you might want to donate, whether it be money or time as Crew or as a new rider to join our team please take a look at my
Ride blog on the official website. There you can follow links to donate, get mroe info or just look at some of the awesome photos and video from last years ride!
Please pass this link on to anyone you might think would be interested even just to know about the ride, the more who know, the better chance we;ve all got!