So here we are, in 2010 and this is week one of how many? Well, we'll see... Some trawling of the internet, some sifting through old things and just some general faffing about has brought these 6 to me.
Brilliant crochet trees
Janet Morton, 2004

So i'll admit, i'm a little obsessed at the moment but how cool are these doilies!? Especially the black one!

A cute as anything 'bird planter' by prettyrandomobjects at

Who doesn't remember (and secretly love) Strawberry Shortcake?!

I wish this had been made specially for me that's for sure!
Found at bravemoonman's shop, also at

If only it got cold enough to wear these in Queesland!
A big bear hat for big people made by Haute Cinq at etsy.
Thank you for including my bear hat! Those crocheted trees are amazing. Where are they?